Michael Bell-Smith KEEP ON MOVING (DON'T STOP) The more things change the more they stay the same (outside the box is inside a bigger box). |
Bruce Bickford INVERSION LAYER (EXCERPT) A fast-moving pencil line-animation in which Bickford relentlessly transforms human figures and faces into peculiar beasts, burgers, and other oddities. |
Adrian Freeman LICH PIERCER Costumed warriors battle digital avatars in a series of enigmatic rituals. |
Amy Lockhart LADY FLEX Muscle lady shows off her muscle. |
Shana Moulton THE MOUNTAIN WHERE EVERYTHING IS UPSIDE DOWN An anxiety-ridden hypochondriac explores her collection of nick-knacks in a surreal workout room. |
Takeshi Murata CONE EATER A hypnotic Rorschach assault of melting colors that mesmerizes your cones and rods. |